Everything You Need To Know About The New PanOptix IOL

Have you heard the big news? On August 26th, 2019, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved the PanOptix IOL. The PanOptix IOL is the newest advancement in cataract surgery.
Eye Associates of Tallahassee’s ophthalmologist, Dr. Tony Weaver, discussed how the PanOptix IOL could change the future of cataract surgery. Weaver, who has been an ophthalmologist for over 35 years and performed over 33,000 cataract surgeries, says the PanOptix IOL is unlike any other lens on the market.
“My patients are mesmerized by what they can see,” said Weaver. “I’ve heard stories about how patients can now read, crochet, play golf, do their makeup, drive, and do all of their normal daily activities while being less dependent on glasses. Cataract surgery is not only a tool that we can use to remove the cataract, but we also can give patients a sense of independence without having to fully rely on glasses.”
Here are a few things you may want to know when deciding if the PanOptix IOL is right for you:
What Are Cataracts And How Do I Get Rid Of Them?
Cataracts are the clouding of the natural lens in the eye, and if left untreated, can cause blindness. To treat cataracts, an ophthalmologist will likely recommend surgery to replace a patient’s natural lens with a permanent artificial lens. Cataract surgery is the number one surgery performed in the united states, and over four million operations occurred in 2019. Cataract surgery is a recommendation for 80% of the population during a patient’s lifetime, and the average age to have the surgery performed is 65. Up until now, cataract surgery has only been able to correct vision at a single distance.
What Is The PanOptix IOL And How Does It Work?
The PanOptix IOL (Intraocular Lens) is designed and manufactured by Alcon and is the first trifocal lens to be FDA approved in the United States. The lens is designed to not only get rid of the cataract but is also designed to bend light rays to allow light to focus on the retina (the back surface of the eye) to provide for improved distance, intermediate, and near vision.
How Long Has The PanOptix IOL Been Around?
Released in 2015, the PanOptix IOL has implanted in 70 countries and over 440,000 times globally. With the PanOptix IOL’s recent approval by the FDA in the United States, the number of implants will increase in 2020 dramatically.
How Many Times Has Eye Associates Implanted The PanOptix IOL?
Starting in October 2019, the PanOptix lens has now been implanted many times at Eye Associates of Tallahassee and has a 97% satisfaction rate among patients. Eye Associates is excited to increase the amount of PanOptix implants in 2020 now that we have positive feedback from our patients.
What Should I Expect My Vision To Be Like After I Receive The PanOptix IOL?
Immediately after the surgery, you will notice a change in your vision. The healing process is the same duration as it would be with a standard lens. Patients should expect their vision to improve over time gradually, and most patients should expect their vision to improve by one-month post-surgery dramatically. Many patients are less dependent on glasses for near, intermediate, and distance vision one month after surgery.
Am I The Right Candidate For The PanOptix IOL? What If I Have Astigmatism?
Many factors determine if a patient is the right candidate for the PanOptix IOL, and an ophthalmologist will design a plan to fit your lifestyle and vision goals best. Patients that have an Astigmatism may have the opportunity to have the PanOptix Toric IOL to correct their astigmatism and remove the cataract. The best way to determine if you are the right candidate for the PanOptix IOL is to have a cataract evaluation with one of our ophthalmologists.