6 Reasons LASIK is Worth It

LASIK surgery is one of the most popular elective procedures in America. More than ninety-six percent of people who have had LASIK are happy with their results. That is why hundreds of thousands of people choose LASIK every year. There are a lot of great reasons to consider LASIK for yourself. Keep reading to learn more… Read More

Are Dry Eyes Seasonal?

If you experience dry eye symptoms periodically, you may notice a pattern when they flare up. Dry eye isn’t an inherently seasonal condition, but environmental factors related to weather changes can certainly contribute to symptoms. A change of season could trigger dry eyes, as could outdoor temperatures or pollen counts. Keep reading to learn more about… Read More

8 Signs It May Be Time For Cataract Surgery

Cataracts are a common cause of vision changes, particularly for older adults. Cataracts develop as the proteins inside of the natural crystalline lens of the eye break down and clump together, causing discolored or cloudy areas on the lens.  This prevents light from getting to the retina and, over time, makes it more difficult to… Read More

How Do Eye Doctors Diagnose Cataracts?

If you have noticed changes to your vision, such as blurriness, difficulty seeing in low light, or colors looking dimmer, you may have cataracts. Cataracts are a common condition, especially for people over fifty.  They cause the lens of the eye to become clouded over and affect your vision. The only way to diagnose cataracts is… Read More

Is Cataract Surgery Always Necessary?

One of the inevitable changes that comes with getting older is cataracts. Everyone eventually develops cataracts if they live long enough, even people who had perfect vision their whole life.  Cataracts occur when the lens begins to cloud due to the breakdown of proteins. This clouding causes vision changes and, if left untreated, can lead… Read More

What Happens During LASIK?

LASIK is one of the most commonly performed elective procedures in the United States. Eye doctors have been performing LASIK surgery for over twenty years.  Most people who undergo LASIK have better vision without glasses or contacts and feel happy with their results. The LASIK procedure itself takes place in your eye doctor’s office.  It… Read More

Top 6 Most Common Symptoms of Angle-Closure Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a common eye condition that can often go undetected until significant vision loss has occurred. One form of glaucoma, called angle-closure glaucoma, happens when the drainage angle of the eye becomes blocked. This can lead to increased eye pressure and optic nerve damage over time. Angle-closure glaucoma is one type of glaucoma that… Read More

Can Plastic Surgery Make Me Look Younger?

As you age, you may start to notice subtle changes in your appearance. The fine lines around your eyes become a little deeper, age spots begin to appear from years in the sun, or you might realize that your skin isn’t quite as supple as it used to be.  While these signs of aging are… Read More

Are Pink Eye and Dry Eye The Same Thing?

Pink eye and dry eye are two common eye conditions that people often confuse. While they share some similarities, they are distinct conditions caused by different factors.  Understanding the distinctions can help you identify which condition you may have if you’re experiencing eye irritation or redness. Keep reading to learn more about pink eye and… Read More

Is LASIK Safe?

LASIK eye surgery has become an increasingly popular option for people looking to reduce their dependency on glasses or contacts. Like any surgery, LASIK does come with potential risks and side effects that vary from patient to patient.  Keep reading to find out if LASIK is safe! What Is LASIK?  LASIK is an abbreviation for… Read More