Can Plastic Surgery Make Me Look Younger?

As you age, you may start to notice subtle changes in your appearance. The fine lines around your eyes become a little deeper, age spots begin to appear from years in the sun, or you might realize that your skin isn’t quite as supple as it used to be.
While these signs of aging are natural and to be expected, that doesn’t always help when you’re looking in the mirror and feeling older than you think you should. This inevitably leads many people to consider plastic surgery as an option to turn back the clock.
Keep reading to learn more about plastic surgery and whether or not it can make you look younger!
Can Plastic Surgery Remove Bags Under the Eyes?
Excess skin around the eyes is a common problem for many people. The extra weight of the skin can cause the lid to droop and sag.

This gives off the impression that you are always tired. In extreme cases, it can even impair your vision.
For many people, the solution is a simple surgery called blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty is designed to safely remove excess tissue from the areas surrounding your eyes.
The procedure can target both the lower and the upper lids. It is an outpatient procedure, so you can expect to go home the same day.
During blepharoplasty, small incisions are made in your eyelids. The incisions are strategically placed to hide any potential scarring.
Upper lid incisions are typically made in the natural crease of the eyelid. Lower lid incisions are made right underneath the eyelash.
Through the incisions, your eye surgeon can remove fat and excess skin. Small stitches are used to close up the incisions, which are removed the following week.
Overall, blepharoplasty is effective for most people over the age of thirty who are healthy.
Can Plastic Surgery Help Eyelids That Are Droopy?
As you age, the muscles in your eyelids may start to weaken. This can cause your eyelids to droop down, even making it difficult to see.
This condition is called ptosis. If it affects your vision significantly, treatment for ptosis may even be covered by your insurance.
Ptosis surgery is somewhat similar to blepharoplasty. However, instead of removing fat and skin tissue, the small muscles in the upper eyelid are tightened.
The exact surgical strategy can only be determined after some tests and examinations are done.
Can Plastic Surgery Help Increased Tearing?
While tear production is necessary for healthy eyes, excessive tearing can be problematic. Mild cases of lacrimal drainage disorder or excessive tearing can be annoying, while more severe cases can be harmful.

Lacrimal drainage disorder can cause your vision to be blurry, skin irritation, and even infections if left untreated. Overproduction of tears can be caused by other issues such as allergies, dry eye syndrome, irritation of the eye, and infections.
Drainage problems are usually caused by blockages in the puncta, two small openings in each eye. Treatment for excessive tearing largely depends on what is causing the problem.
In some cases, lifestyle changes may be enough. You may need to treat underlying conditions first. Certain medications may help.
There are also a few surgical options that can help. A punctoplasty widens your puncta slightly to allow better flow.
A probe and tube procedure involves inserting a temporary tube into the tear duct. Dacryocystorhinostomy is a more involved operation that creates a bypass through the nasal bone.
The best course of action to fix your excessive tearing will be discussed during your consultation.
Can Plastic Surgery Correct Eyelids That Turn Inwards or Outwards?
There are many reasons your eyelids could begin to turn inwards or outwards. Aging, however, is the most common.
Both entropion, which is when your eyelid turns inwards, and ectropion, which is when it turns outward, can cause cosmetic problems, as well as eye irritation or infection. Both entropion and ectropion can be treated surgically.

The procedure involves tightening the muscles in the eyelid and repairing the structures that support the eyelid.
Will Plastic Surgery Around the Eyes Help Me Look Younger?
Plastic surgery around the eyes can, under certain circumstances, help create a more rested, youthful appearance. However, the only way to tell for sure is to visit your eye doctor at Eye Associates of Tallahassee for a full evaluation.
During this appointment, your eye doctor will be able to tell you if there is a procedure that may be able to help you accomplish your cosmetic goals. With an expert analysis of your anatomy and health, as well as a discussion of different techniques, your eye doctor can advise you on risks, limitations, and projected outcomes to help guide your decision-making.